Friday, May 24, 2013

Landing Strips n' shit

I think as soon as people think of a woman having pubic hair they automatically assume she looks like she has Bob Marley in a leg lock, but no...well at least not all of us.
I'm probably the only girl that i know that loves a nice thin landing strip, A landing strip is similar to a Brazilian, but it leaves a thin strip of hair in place just above the vagina and its different but still clean and manicured. If you knew how long it took to perfect the perfect landing strip you would appreciate it much more... I'm just saying. 

         Here's some other dope pube styles for that kitty.

"The Martini"
"The Hitler"

"Lightening Bolt"
"The sweet Heart"

But what ever you do make sure you wax everythang else and in between. No one wants a furby... NO ONE